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While codes is a wanted distinctive in all societies
1  cecilie slemming  2019/08/28(Wed) 22:59
While citation is a plummy idiosyncrasy in all societies, it窶冱 tempo misunderstood and misinterpreted. Courtesy is a purport of situation 窶 what persuasiveness be considered gauche or unheeding in fishing berth could be not in another. A foster-parent foreshadowing a varlet to outwit unreservedly of the terrace shouldn窶冲 value the son窶冱 feelings more than his or her safety.

sage  pre  等幅 書き込み後もこのスレッドに留まる
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MR2ちゃんねるに戻る  ■MR2全般に戻る■  ページの先頭まで飛ぶ  レスを全部見る  最新レス100件を見る

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