MR2ちゃんねるに戻る  ■MR2全般に戻る■  最後のレスまで飛ぶ  レスを全部見る  最新レス100件を見る
1  Tyson  2019/07/08(Mon) 06:05
About a year xnx The Egyptian Army, while so derided and condemned by the テ「ツツ徼alking headsテ「ツツ has clearly stepped forward at a critical moment in Egyptテ「ツツ冱 history to prevent the nation from being dragged back into the Dark Ages, something a country with 85,000,000 people, and thousands of serious problems, both economic and social, could not afford to see happen.

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MR2ちゃんねるに戻る  ■MR2全般に戻る■  ページの先頭まで飛ぶ  レスを全部見る  最新レス100件を見る

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