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1  ななし@マターリ  2003/09/08(Mon) 14:51

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16  ななし@マターリ  2004/01/06(Tue) 19:01

17  ななし@マターリ  2004/01/07(Wed) 19:43

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18  ななし@マターリ  2004/01/17(Sat) 11:03

19  名無しさん@陽気な不良外人  2004/01/18(Sun) 13:23
20  名無しさん@陽気な不良外人  2004/04/19(Mon) 20:54
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21  ななし@マターリ  2006/03/29(Wed) 20:37

22  名無しさん@陽気な不良外人  2006/06/02(Fri) 23:15

23  ななし@マターリ  2006/06/14(Wed) 18:06

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24  ななし@マターリ  2008/11/14(Fri) 09:33
       /     \
      /   \ , , /\
    /    (●)  (●) \   あなたねぇ、政府の意向に反する論文を書く者が
     |       (__人__)   |    幕僚やってていいと思ってるんですか?
      \      ` ⌒ ´  ,/     自衛官に言論の自由などありません!
.      /⌒〜" ̄, ̄ ̄〆⌒,ニつ 
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.      |    狂師   |

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      |::::::        |   /      \     教師の思想信条は
     . |:::::::::::     |  / ⌒   ⌒  \    政府に拘束されません。
       |::::::: 政府  |/  (●) (●)   \
     .  |::::::::::::::    } |    (__人__)     |  反政府デモにも参加しますが何か?
     .  ヽ::::::::::::::    } \   ` ⌒´     _/  言論弾圧反対!!
        ヽ::::::::::  ノ   |           \
        /:::::::::::: く    | |   狂師   |  |  
-―――――|:::::::::::::::: \-―┴┴―――――┴┴――

25  ななし@マターリ  2010/07/12(Mon) 12:03
        ∩___∩                     ∩___∩
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        /  (●)  (●)  ハッ   (/   "つ`..,:  ハッ (●)  (●) 丶     今、どんな気持ち?
       |     ( _●_) ミ    :/   千葉 :::::i:.   ミ (_●_ )    |        ねぇ、どんな気持ち?
 ___ 彡     |∪| ミ    :i        ─::!,,    ミ、 |∪|    、彡____
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26  ssr  2010/09/26(Sun) 13:57
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27  T/T  2010/10/10(Sun) 17:57
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28  T/T  2010/10/17(Sun) 17:34
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29  ななし@マターリ  2011/02/01(Tue) 16:11

35  ななし@マターリ  2012/08/27(Mon) 13:58
rm r,      タマの裏までしっかりね〜!     .なわ┌─┐
.ヾ_`ヽ   キ                  キ    /),;彡んた | .ち│
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47  DavidWrilk  2022/01/22(Sat) 08:04
Publisher: Paragon Project LLC If you are going to be dating a lot of women, then going on a lot of traditional dates may hurt your wallet. That's how on-line courting works! This has happened to me, and itミイミや┐s always been a pleasant surprise. Forgiveness is a process that happens over time Totally left intact and untouched by any human intrusion throughout the ages, the cave represents an exceptional source of studies for archeologists. Publisher: Danial Manning You will be essential to take 10 to 15 minutes the place you take a take a look at that's Portugal, and Portugal vacations are available in all shapes and sizes, ranging from wine tours to sightseeing. Then, you should wait for some period for response, no need to send the mail again because it affects your image. She must also cook the meat he brings home and patch skins into lothes. On-line dating sites and singles sites have been modernized with a variety of fun tools for singles to use, making glorious singles matches and subsequently ensuing in abundant higher dating success rates
48  RalphVed  2022/01/22(Sat) 20:05
Within recent years, the Internet spawned an entirely new medium for connecting with people. Right? free Russian relationship service will put you in contact together with your long-term associate. The safest topic to discuss includes current events so make sure you watch the news or read quality broadsheets. The knowledge of personality type allows us to see the differences among others as just those ミイミや different ways of ミイミび喘eing. It is essential to change into aware that each one individuals make or commit errors and it is when you place up a nice snort can make such mistake appear human. Why a Chinese college girl may be perfect for you Men who don't put up a picture are either too lazy to put up their picture or they're ashamed of the way they look. You will not amount a cent for application the Asian dating service. That means theyミイミや┐ll probably talk about how they want to keep things pretty casual
49  WalterEmize  2022/01/23(Sun) 00:55
Hi, it is really refreshing reading all those stories about why you guys wear pantyhose. Love us or hate us, like us or leave us, the one thing anyone can ill-afford to do, is ignore us. Glad crusing with on-line courting. While we and our daters are sometimes known as upon for particular filmed events, they are scheduled as non-public events and are by invitation only When you are single in Chicago you've gotten a very singular alternative to experience activities, music, delicacies and a world of other prospects that singles in different cities will never know. Be certain you utilize ground-up oats. Once you begin to make a big network of overseas mates you will find that you could have more incentive to travel and see the world, and meet your new friends. This helps you understand more about a person and thereby avoid any awkwardness whenever you resolve to meet on a primary date No photo and I was "separated". If you are self-sabotaging and creating issues in an otherwise happy, stable relationship, then itミイミや┐s safe to say that you are the issue here. Nonetheless, it's sensible to keep away from signing up with "any old" huge beautiful ladies courting companies
50  WalterEmize  2022/01/23(Sun) 03:35
Please don't assume that because an individual has a profile on a dating site that the location has "pre-certified" them and validated their background. No, I have not. And they are right. In addition,I very down and earth,I love my family,friends,and my dog A scorpio women may also mirror your tone of speaking and your body posture, and she will laugh a lot (possibly at something neither of you would find funny any other time). When on their feet after a down fall, they declare to choose life from the place they left to ensure they by no means grow to be victims of the same scenario i need a loving, honest, responsible, reliable, unselfish, open minded, attractive woman. It isn't laborious to do; it's simply talking with someone, and displaying that you're fascinated about them. ミイミび唔 think everyone should have more education about the issue of digital footprints how old are you now, do you find yourself being left out by your colleagues when it comes to relationships? This is a good technique because like leaving comments a trackback leaves a link from another blog back to yours for readers to follow, but it also does something very important - it gets the attention of another blogger.
51  BruceBic  2022/01/26(Wed) 03:00
I questioned if for this reason the term, ミイミび嗄aydayミイミび was coined as a time period for help. Writer: early snock If you are not too long ago divorced and are interested by coming into the courting world again there are some stuff you need to think about. Possibly it is better to wait some time and see how the whole thing is going to be This is not the least, and may as well save you the stress of finding the right interracial dating site. Some brokers only allow Standard Lot trades online dates are useful in that you simply can find a number of various kinds of singles through these dating sites. They record their commercials of personnel as well as the post their photographs to draw different single people. Registration via your desktop or phone is 100% free, and youミイミや┐ll be joining thousands of like-minded men and women. He informed me that he was sorry that he ever met the youthful woman and that she destroyed his marriage and his family life. Women like men who are sexually experienced and can fulfill their needs and desires. Publisher: Jim DeSantis Pace courting and blind dating are largely shown to be hilarious in Tv and motion pictures
52  WalterEmize  2022/01/26(Wed) 07:24
We attract such great professionals but find - as in life - not everyone is ideal. These are not dating sites as such, but like any other social media, they can be used for chatting with other people, including of course Thai women. Alongside of teaching LDS youth the importance of them making their own choices in life, and being accountable for these choices - is a deep understanding of the benefits of making those good choices Never forget how important your children are - so if this guy doesnミイミや┐t like kids or specifically your kids, itミイミや┐s time to wave goodbye. In the United Kingdom, individuals seem to find significance on feeling or emotion of different people discuss fundamental, easy things that aren't delicate in nature. For those who need a long run relationship, you have to be sincere to build a healthy relationship for future. This is commonly on account of the present you choose ought to conjointly be appropriate to the intimacy degree of your relationship. So no matter where you live or travel, youミイミや┐re sure to get a date and find a good company for having fun. I would just hate to embarrass myself and waste both our time if we meet in person and I am not what they expected
53  Casesmechildfup  2022/01/26(Wed) 12:02
Instead your current loyal readers do the work for you through word of mouth. Just tell her you are there for her to talk to when she needs it to: Levertis Steele, thank you for responding to my post and I respect your opinion. Love Skills heiミ酉殳 dich auf dieser Webseite willkommen. They are good housewives itミイミや┐s one of many explanation why she is taken with courting you in the first place as she doesnミイミや┐t have to worry about all of your baggage as well. Photographs often display the date on which they were taken, but be aware that some members will use old photographs in an effort to make themselves appear younger than they actually are. Second, running a very good internet dating service costs a lot, which additionally consists of ensuring that members are safe. Publisher: Robert Samuels The above article focuses on the significance of finding our own partner by ourselves and this has made dating such an importance
54  Prethardthumpconsevado  2022/01/26(Wed) 14:25
These sorts of on-line courting platforms enable cougars from different cities in Australia to work together and even plan for preliminary dates. Browse from the comfort of you own home or hotel room Erfahrungen in auミ酉歹rfamiliミ督、ren Strukturen Situationen werden fluchtartig verlassen ミイミつヲ verdienen mehr Geld im Beruf und sind karriereorienterter als Frauen Make it clear that your child comes first lots of the authors on this checklist are answerable for the stories behind numerous the nice films and Tv shows that we see on the massive-display screen/little-display. Individual web site owners contract with a single company to serve their banner ads and handle ad sales for them. Thatミイミや┐s especially true of the grownup men that youミイミや┐re dating. Is there a scientific correlation between bedroom prowess and punctuation use because I would like to know what the survey says, please. These websites are safe and secure to use. The story of men's issues is one such example of this It's no longer the days when approaching an older lady was such an enormous difficulty. Von Android zu Samsung Bilder von Frank Schwehla auf Picasa (hier klicken) GOV every woman is exclusive and completely different, however over the years I've observed some commonalities that they share.
55  TiohihapoJag  2022/01/26(Wed) 21:42
Under no circumstances should you leave anything up to chance when it comes to protecting yourself and your partner from diseases, infections or pregnancy. No one said your personal life would be a pleasant adventure every day. Theyミイミや┐ve got kids so their biological clocks arenミイミや┐t ticking, they know they can support themselves, and theyミイミや┐ve already been burned by one relationship Completely erase your ex out of your mind and utterly give attention to no matter it's that attracted you to the woman you might be at present in love with. Great post, good view points, and in today's workplace conditions I think everyone needs to take heed of any and all opportunities to stay connected and keep doors open in the event of losing their job. Schildkrout felt they needed to investigate the institution before seeking to reform it Publisher: kenasen People think love and romance is the toughest thing to achieve in the life. Don't be afraid to show the fun side of your personality so today Iミイミや┐m gonna break down what the check engine light means, what to do when it comes on and how we can make it go away. The web site must make it a degree that their members really feel secure.
56  PerredersleFlity  2022/01/27(Thu) 04:55
MarketingYour productミイミや┐s reputation approach before its launch will outline how itミイミや┐s going to promote in the long term. Ask someone to make fabric flowers and create a nice floral bundle for you. Know precisely what you want in my opinion we are at a very unique junction in mankind's spiritual evolution. The other huge tip for for creating belief and connection is to convey open physique language: no crossed-arms and no arm-in-pockets will make you look more pleasant, approachable and inviting. Free dating sites for men and women browse the interested profiles that include photos, bio, interests, marital status, career, etc. Of course this is normal if youve lived a miserable existence for so long if they are claiming to hold certain positions at work or a certain level of education, ask them questions about their profession. Here in Phuket, I began to learn English. That constant exposure to being rejected sexually again and again, instead of seeking the attentions of someone new, runs the risk of become too familiar to you. There is no price to create a profile, search for some ladies and boys, and interact with them. Milfs are now focusing on attaining killer bodies that will keep young men glued to them
57  Acystafisjem  2022/01/27(Thu) 07:16
Meet thousand of Indian girls online and start chat with them. A recognition that most older adults are prepared for the truth that no single individual may be the solution to all their social wants, that they could also be just as properly served by multiple companions. They will file the proper papers, signify you in court docket, however they can not see inside your head 10. You graciously tell her that you have to leave, and you let her know that you also realize that she has to go too. You may have an exciting date find, just the one you have been in quest for. It is usually a challenge however it's also a problem that is definitely price taking They are totally different. ), 750g: 2,35-2,80 ミイ窶堋ャ Die Wahrheit sagen: Wir sind alle heterosexuell What was your worst job Bei einer in Gunst stehen: man wird in Streit geraten,- It is very important that you beware of these scams and go for only recommended sites but you have to be always alert and quick in your thinking and delivering. People were well aware in those days that any medical problem or solution could result in death.
58  FloorcalltupmyiInove  2022/01/27(Thu) 12:00
One online dating service may be good for others but not for you. Dating online has been accepted in the aftermost couples of years because we all alive on this avant-garde century. ミ停「 He is not over you when he is deliriously angry at you for no apparent reason 2. I share your frustration and your sense of urgency. Eventually once you establish enough momentum you gain what is called ミイミび嗾ractionミイミび, which is a large enough audience base (about 500 readers a day is good) that you no longer have to work too hard on finding new readers Um lockerer zu werden gibt es einige Tipps 2 (wenigstens zum Teil) Eule54 14. But as soon as you look one step further down, there will be mostly or entirely women in the top managerial positions calling the shots. So, you get house, turn your pc on, log in and you might be transported to a spot the place you may inform others about your day, let off somewhat steam possibly
59  Blutormescaujen  2022/01/27(Thu) 14:23
You never have to pay for subscriptions or to view profile matches. If someone isnミイミや┐t interested in dating you because you have children, then heミイミや┐s obviously not for you and itミイミや┐s better to find out that up front, than months into the relationship when there are more emotions at stake. What I attempt to do is limit the quantity of ミイミび喞oolミイミび things (regardless that it isnミイミや┐t much) that Iミイミや┐ll say about myself and get her to talk extra the wife stays house and take care of the children. Anyway, if the connection you have began goes serious, all of your secrets and techniques will then be in the end revealed, therefore there shall be no sense in mendacity here. Falling in love is simple, but it's onerous to think about ever voluntarily strolling away from the relationship as a result of your partner's beliefs contradict your own it doesn't matter where you live, what tradition, religion, race and ethic you belong to, you've choices to search out Mr. For example, dont say you love long walks within the countryside if you really like to dance the night away in nightclubs every weekend. Your banner can are available in number of sizes. Knowing how to keep a relationship going strong will help you get right back to your happy selves. There are additionally a hundred% free on-line relationship web sites that don't charge any payment what they like and what they don't like.
60  CroonaddharcoDen  2022/01/27(Thu) 19:25
If you'd like it, go for it. But I would also like to mention that India is no longer a safe place for women. There isn't a obligation to remain endlessly Unhappy to say, quite a few men do not understand by which ladies possess a very good pure intuition the self-confidence amount of a fantastic deal of folks. Itミイミや┐s largely geared in direction of those below the age of 30 and creates a easy matching system thatミイミや┐s intended to match users primarily based on many metrics. Publisher: Shane Hogg Have you met someone online who you will wait at a certain time of the day just to chat with him? don't let these circumstances inspire negative feelings. Thanks to your time. I did what I thought best, and that's why I have no regrets. 44 to the customer they were helping
61  Petitiharncal  2022/01/28(Fri) 00:32
Then when the necessity arises, there may be at all times a joke able to lighten up another person's day! Just as people like all sorts of female body types (not just the fashion model ones! by commerce, he's a user interface designer. You can view profiles, choose these which meet your standards, then ミイミび嘖how interestミイミび and hopefully the person will go to your profile. Do check if her eyes are glazed over with fear when she says that. Extensive mechanical restoration over the last 8 years They are attracted with the sex appeal of white women. Jennifer has been writing for the last 12 years. The video is made from the entire film reel, so at the end thereミイミや┐s also some shots of a light experiment inside the spacecraft. Nonetheless there is always that small minority of people with bad intentions
62  LnothecysralaR  2022/01/28(Fri) 03:05
Think about the desires of your ideal partner; think about where he or she is from, simply imagine every other detail you can. He had admitted to Elizabeth that his inability to get the rock-hard erections of his youth troubled him. As well as, people in families are more and more starting to search out leisure that suits every individual. The scripts all follow a predictable story of predestined love where two couples either fall instantly in love or leave it to fate to decide who they end up with Being single gives you the time it is advisable give attention to different things which might be necessary to you. They split up around 2009 and I didn't hear from him for 18 months. To make use of this free relationship app, you want Fb to login. You are in the flow, Evan! SPIEGEL ONLINE: Zwei Mミ督、nner verlieben sich in "Call Me By Your Name" und Ihr Film wird sofort politisch gelesen. They could conceal their beer intestine, crooked teeth, or bald spot. Publisher: Diane Craig For years, I've questioned backpackers' rights to bulldoze through the urban landscape
63  Rionesslisabuh  2022/01/28(Fri) 13:34
Please don't assume that because an individual has a profile on a relationship site that the site has "pre-certified" them and validated their background. Chances are, some Filipino families will adopt you (and your husband or wife) and see to your needs. When you are ready to start out courting, let everybody know! ladies and or girls will need a tattoo that in all probability has some sort of feminine quality to it. Although, I went on a few dates with complete duds, but ultimately, I discovered someone special. They can specify the exact type of men they are seeking for. That might be the solution to this big problem. 9 Admit that youミイミや┐re personally somewhat responsible If there really is something that he did wrong. Most areas have cultural or historical centers close by, akin to state parks, which might be very fascinating to explore as well free French courting companies are nice as a result of many online marriages created in recent times. This can be carried out with out exterior pressure and other hassles.
64  NopernoniCig  2022/02/04(Fri) 03:03
Talking of being the best, have you checked out your wardrobe recently? The important thing is how you two feel about one another and the good times you share. 1 On a very practical level forgiveness is about lessening your own emotional burdens and healing the pain of your heart. Weil die Jugendlichen rund um die Uhr mit ihrer Online-Welt verbunden sind, treffen die Angriffe sie umso vernichtender: Wer ehedem gemobbt wurde, fand immerhin nach Schulschluss zu Hause eine andere Welt vor, eine sichere Zone within the Internet there are some suppliers who carry out on behalf of corporations and establishments generally known as online surveys. Should you just walk round and listen to totally different womenミイミや┐s voices, you'll discover that there is an unlimited distinction within the softness of voice between totally different women. Again, It is essential to start surrounding yourself with men who genuinely like to go out and have a good time. " second, and you realize what?
65  Suvanjackmivow  2022/02/04(Fri) 16:24
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